Top 10 Reasons to Get Sober

Valley Hope Rehab Centers > Blog > Finding Help > Top 10 Reasons to Get Sober

Each day brings a new opportunity to heal from drug and alcohol addiction and get sober. There are countless reasons to find help for substance abuse and many resources and services available to help you heal safely on the road to recovery.

If you are ready to free yourself from addiction, these 10 reasons can help motivate you to take the first step toward seeking help and finding healing:

Why Get Sober?

1. You are worth it.

You have value in the world. The grips of drug and alcohol addiction can deny you from appreciating and seeing your self-worth. When you remove substances from the equation, you will rediscover the person you truly are — a person worthy of love, respect, and limitless potential. Don’t deny yourself that opportunity.

2. You want a better life.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? The amazing journey of recovery from drugs and alcohol is that it provides the perfect roadmap to building a better life. And, it works if you work it. Imagine being able to make plans, fulfill goals, achieve financial stability, find a spiritual balance, even travel and try new things — instead of spending your day and your life waiting on the next high or the next drink.

3. Your happiness.

Drugs and alcohol will never bring you happiness. Never. When you get sober, a new world of possibilities, hope and happiness will open around you. You receive the needed tools like practicing gratitude to make your own happiness in recovery. Without the influence of drugs and alcohol, the impacts of depression, anxiety and stress lighten, freeing you to appreciate all that you have. Check out our Recovery Stories from alumni to read how sobriety has affected their lives.

4. Your loved ones.

Addiction is not just a chronic brain disease — it is a family disease. Family members are deeply impacted and often traumatized by a loved one’s substance use disorder. Addiction occurs in so many families, and its emotional side effects are felt by spouses, parents, siblings, children, and other people you care about and who care about you. The miracle of recovery is that it helps you reclaim your life and empowers you to repair your broken family ties.

5. Your physical health.

Addiction to drugs or alcohol has devastating impacts on your physical health and causes many chronic illnesses, cancers, and other diseases — and even death. By getting help and finding recovery, you can avoid developing life-threatening complications from substance abuse. In sobriety, you will lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.

6. Your mental and emotional health.

The impacts of substance abuse on your mental and emotional health can be severe and debilitating. If you suffer from depression, anxiety or other mental health issues, drugs and alcohol will significantly worsen your condition. Addiction blocks mental clarity, prevents healing from trauma and causes emotional instability. In fact, drug and alcohol abuse can cause mental and emotional health issues that did not exist prior to using. Treatment for addiction can help you address and safely manage any mental and emotional health issues and clear the way for a sober life free from the damaging effects of drugs and alcohol.

7. Your productivity and success.

If you suffer from addiction, it is likely that you are unproductive at your job, are unable to successfully complete daily tasks and are irresponsible with your finances. How many days off from work have you taken due to drugs and alcohol? How many jobs have you lost? What areas of your daily life have become unmanageable and chaotic? How has your financial situation been damaged by addiction? In addiction recovery, you will be empowered to achieve your true potential with clarity and purpose. An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) may be available through your employer.

8. Your self-esteem.

Although drug and alcohol use can temporarily raise self-esteem, you will have lower self-esteem in the long-term. Chasing that self confidence boost by increasing your substance use will quickly lead to depression and even lower self-esteem. Do you feel hopeless, worthless, and undeserving of a better life? Substance abuse only reinforces and deepens these thoughts, chipping away at your self-esteem while strengthening its grip on you. You can find healing in sobriety from the poisonous effects of drugs and alcohol on your self-esteem and your overall health. You can regain your confidence in all aspects of your life as you find redemption in recovery.

9. Your relationships.

Addiction has a devastating effect on the relationships in every facet of our lives. Family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances — the damage occurs across the board. The decisions we make and actions we take while in active addiction have ripple effects that often rupture and even end some of the most important relationships we have, as well as our reputation and ability to build new relationships. The good news is that in treatment and recovery, we learn effective steps to rebuild relationships and repair the damage to our reputations.

10. You are ready.

The fact is that addiction treatment and recovery can only help you if you are ready to receive that help and reclaim your life from drug and alcohol addiction. And when you are ready, reach out for help as soon as possible. Don’t wait another moment to begin your new life free of drugs and alcohol.

Finding Help to Get Sober

Too many people wait for the “perfect time” to seek help for substance abuse. The truth is the perfect time is always “right now.” The sooner you seek help and receive effective treatment, the sooner you can free yourself from the devastation of substance misuse and start your new life. Being sober will not only monumentally improve your life — it will save your life. The cycle of addiction can be broken.

At Valley Hope, we have treated hundreds of thousands of patients with compassionate, evidence-based addiction treatment that is customized to meet your medical and mental health needs. We are here to work with you on building a successful, fulfilling path to lifelong recovery.

Valley Hope provides a full continuum of substance abuse treatment services available at 14 programs across six states including local centers in Phoenix, Denver, Wichita, Kansas City, Omaha, Oklahoma City, Columbia, Missouri, and Grapevine, Texas.

Our programs provide compassionate, evidenced-based therapies, medical detox services, residential treatment, outpatient treatment and virtual treatment programs. Call (800) 544-5101 for a free level of care screening to determine if you require clinical addiction treatment.