Eight Reasons to Seek Addiction Help During the Holidays

hands holding a gift with a red background and snowflakes
Valley Hope Rehab Centers > Blog > Recovery > Holidays > Eight Reasons to Seek Addiction Help During the Holidays

Each year, people suffering from substance abuse dangerously delay seeking addiction help during the holidays. Often, the reasoning used for pushing aside treatment stems from not wanting to leave family during the holidays or missing out on the festivities. The truth is, delaying treatment is a dangerous reflex and most families would prefer their loved one receive treatment rather than endure another anxiety-filled season.

Why Seek Addiction Treatment?

Discover the eight reasons why the holidays are the perfect time of the year to receive treatment for drug and alcohol addiction:

  1. Your family wants you to get help now, not tomorrow. The disease of addiction has built-in anxiety and trauma that directly impacts your family and loved ones during the holidays.
  2. The holidays are full of opportunities to over-indulge in alcohol and other substances. Death rates from substance abuse tick up significantly during November and December. This is a dangerous playground for people suffering with an addiction to drugs and alcohol.
  3. Get help now and give your family the gift of recovery. It will be the most meaningful, valuable gift you ever give to the people you care about and who care about you.
  4. Many people abuse alcohol during the holidays — at parties and at home. Binge drinking is a practiced coping skill that many use to manage the stress of the season. This is evidenced by the elevated, costly DUI arrests and deadly drunk driving accidents during November and December.
  5. Entering treatment during the holidays sets you up to enter the New Year healthy in recovery. Imagine how sobriety could improve — and save — your life.
  6. Treatment at the end of the calendar year can be more cost-effective. If you have health insurance, your deductible starts over in January. For people who have met their deductible, entering treatment before January 1 can result in significant savings.
  7. Delaying treatment for drug and alcohol addiction can be deadly. Don’t risk another day of active addiction. Get help now, because the stakes grow higher as each day passes.
  8. You are worthy of recovery. You deserve healing and the transformational power of recovery. Why wait to unwrap such a precious gift?

Get Help for Addiction During the Holidays

If you or someone you care about is ready to seek help for addiction, Valley Hope’s compassionate clinical experts stand ready to provide effective, evidence-based substance abuse treatment during the holidays and every day of the year. Learn more about our admissions process here.

With a 50-year legacy of helping patients and families, Valley Hope is nationally known as a trusted provider of addiction treatment and recovery support. 

Valley Hope provides a full continuum of substance abuse care including online addiction treatment through 14 programs across six states including Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas. Our programs provide compassionate, evidenced-based therapies, medical detox services, residential treatment, outpatient treatment and virtual treatment programs.

Ready to reclaim your life from drugs and alcohol? Get help immediately by calling our caring, compassionate local Valley Hope Admissions Team at (800) 544-5101. If you or a loved one are ready to seek help, embrace the gift of recovery and begin your journey to a healthy, happy life today.