Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Oklahoma

Accredited addiction treatment with proven results.

For over 50 years, Valley Hope has been helping people conquer addiction. Our patient-centered approach is tailored to each individual’s needs and prioritizes long-term success.

Valley Hope has Oklahoma treatment centers located in Cushing and Oklahoma City. Different communities offer different services. We provide a free assessment to determine which facility and treatment are the best match for each patient.

Need help now? Call our Oklahoma Admissions Team anytime at (918) 225-1736.

Valley Hope of Cushing

Residential // Medical Detox // Family Care

cushing 07

Admissions 24/7: (918) 225-1736

100 S Jones Ave
Cushing, OK 74023

Valley Hope of Oklahoma City

Intensive Outpatient // Continuing Care // Family Care

okc 05

Admissions 24/7: (918) 225-1736

Office Phone: (405) 946-7337
Office Hours: 8AM - 10PM, M-F

2816 NW 58th St #103
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Certified Oklahoma Treatment Centers

Addiction impacts both the body and the mind. We target both aspects through holistic recovery programs that address the mental and physical elements of the disease.


Every patient’s illness is unique, and every patient deserves unique treatment. We determine the best care plan for each patient with a free assessment.


A patient’s care team includes medical, clinical, and spiritual advisors. Doctors, nurses, psychologists, and chaplains may all be involved, depending on the individual’s needs.


Valley Hope is LegitScript certified, and Joint Commission accredited. We are also a member of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP).

Residential Oklahoma Rehab

Our Cushing facility is set on a historic estate, located between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. In this relaxing rural atmosphere, patients can focus on healing without the distractions of everyday life. We offer a private experience through a residential program that provides on-site medical detox and medically assisted treatment options.

Outpatient Oklahoma Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment

Our Oklahoma City location offers outpatient treatment for individuals who are looking to continue the recovery journey without interrupting work or family life. The facility is located at 58th and May, a convenient location for those who want easily-accessible support in the metro. Outpatient programs are an effective method of recovery, and our scheduling is created to accommodate a variety of work and life schedules.

Hear Our Patients’ Stories

Call (800) 544-5101 now to speak confidentially with a treatment and recovery expert. Admission is possible 24/7.

Still not sure if our Oklahoma addiction treatment is for you? Check out the testimonials from former patients and their families.

Patients describe Valley Hope as a “very unique space for people to recover in,” focused on connecting and empathy. Others praise the “great care, loving staff, amazing counselors, and chaplains.” Get inspired with these kind words to start your recovery journey at our Oklahoma treatment centers.

Freedom from addiction starts here!

For help 24/7 call (800) 544-5101 to speak confidentially with a treatment and recovery expert now. Our Admissions Team can provide a free assessment to determine the most appropriate level of care.