Reporting a Concern
We strive to provide the highest quality addiction treatment services to all our patients. That’s why your concerns are our concerns. You and your friends or relatives have the right to express opinions, recommendations and grievances regarding treatment, safety, and/or fee schedule without fear of prejudice or penalty.
You have the right to submit written or verbal expression of opinions, recommendations and grievances to the facility Executive Director or any other staff. It is the responsibility of the Executive Director or his/her designee to make known the disposition of the opinion, recommendation or grievances, in written form, within 72 hours of the filing of the grievance. If the complaint or grievance is not resolved through this process, patients and family members may contact Valley Hope Association (VHA) at 1-800-654-0486, or PO Box 510, Norton, Kansas 67654. If resolution still does not occur, patients and family members may contact The Joint Commission’s Office of Quality Monitoring at 1-800-994-6610 or email [email protected].